Have you ever noticed how a splash of creativity can turn a hard day around? Unleashing our creative side can be a game-changer for mental peace and nervous system regulation.
Never underestimate the power of a smile. It’s a simple, cost-free, and accessible tool that has the potential to transform your mood and the world around you.
For many, Christmas is a fun, family occasion, filled with warmth and celebration. But for some, it can also be a period where feelings of overwhelm and stress prevail. Read my top tips to manage overwhelm at Christmas
5-4-3-2-1 Technique for Anxiety is a simple method for calming your mind, interrupting your thought patterns, and providing instant relief.
If you’re concerned about feeling down this winter, you can go into the season with a game plan to get through it with a smile.
As the clocks go back on Sunday, thousands of local people will be dreading the effect the darker nights will have on their mood and overall wellbeing. Reduced exposure to sunlight results in them feeling depressed and lethargic – and in extreme cases can severely affect everything from their work performance to their relationships with others.
Plenty of people experience a hint of the winter blues as harsh weather keeps us shut up indoors, but seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a more serious form of depression. Fortunately, there are effective forms of treatment.
Hypnosis can help you to learn how to let go, reduce stress and help your body relax. By focussing on the connection between mind and body it will help you manage your stress and anxiety, promote calm and relaxation, restore hormonal balance and remove any self-limiting emotions about conception. Hypnosis will enhance the chances of success.
Walking meditation is one form of meditation that can be helpful in our daily life. Like many other forms of meditation that uses focus, in walking meditation we use the experience of walking as our focus. It is meditation in action. During mindful walking, our journey is less about the destination, Instead of walking on distracted autopilot, it’s about bringing more awareness to this everyday activity.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple yet very effective technique that helps in releasing negative emotions, overcoming bad habits, releasing anxiety and fear and so much more.