For many, Christmas is a fun, family occasion, filled with warmth and celebration. But for some, it can also be a period where feelings of overwhelm and stress prevail. Read my top tips to manage overwhelm at Christmas
5-4-3-2-1 Technique for Anxiety is a simple method for calming your mind, interrupting your thought patterns, and providing instant relief.
Walking meditation is one form of meditation that can be helpful in our daily life. Like many other forms of meditation that uses focus, in walking meditation we use the experience of walking as our focus. It is meditation in action. During mindful walking, our journey is less about the destination, Instead of walking on distracted autopilot, it’s about bringing more awareness to this everyday activity.
Nowadays, most people see training, nutrition, and other self-care activities as something time-consuming. But what are the things you can do on the day to day basis, without using up most of your wake time? Well, the truth is there are many small things you can do. These are simple things on a daily basis to improve your overall quality of life.
Just 1 hour a day without technology is beneficial. Find your balance between technology and nature and get the best of both worlds.
Stress is the most common culprit for mood swings. Lifestyle choices massively impact the internal chemistry your body is running on.
Although mood swings are common, we aren’t always sure why they happen and how to control them exactly. Sometimes the intensity of our current emotions doesn’t have an explanation, and we find ourselves questioning everything that surrounds us. By understanding your feelings better you can steps towards establishing control over them.
Is fear caused by the pandemic ruling your life? In my blog, I outline a few ways that can help you to live free of fear.
How to Improve Relationships with the Power of Hypnosis The coronavirus outbreak is leading to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives. Our relationships are hugely important to us just at a time when they are being placed under the most intense pressure. Relationships are not built on the expectation that you’ll be spending all day, every…
As human beings, we encounter a range of emotions each day, and usually we are able to keep them under control.
However, for many people, controlling their temper is often very difficult, causing great difficulties in their life for themselves and people close to them.
Other problems such as stress, anxiety or even depression can also be linked with anger management problems, but all of these difficulties can be dealt with.
Anger can trigger quite a few of the physical responses that stress has – raising pulse rate, blood pressure and adrenalin levels.