(01502) 587 341 or 07847 552 390

Stress Release

Suffering from Burnout?

Suffering from Burnout?

Burnout is a widespread challenge defined by persistent exhaustion, emotional detachment, and overwhelm brought on by prolonged stress. Recognising the early signs is vital for effective recovery. Key strategies include prioritising restorative rest, establishing healthy boundaries, rediscovering activities that spark joy, reframing negative thought patterns, and exploring the benefits of hypnosis to reset and recharge. Taking steps to address burnout not only safeguards your long-term health but also fosters resilience and reinforces the critical role of self-care in living a balanced, fulfilling life.

Helping you beat the holiday blues

Helping you beat the holiday blues

As the UK’s Covid19 lockdown continues and the government warns Britons against making holiday plans just yet, many people may find their state of mind slipping downwards without their annual summer trip to look forward to. So in response, I’m going to help people to travel to their favourite destination
– from the comfort of their own armchair!
I am releasing 5 free hypnosis recordings so you can experience a virtual holiday whenever you want.

Coping With The Current Chaos

Coping With The Current Chaos

Maybe you already suffer from low-level anxiety and your symptoms have ramped up recently due to worries about Coronavirus, or perhaps you’re experiencing new physical and psychological strains for the first time? I have spent years helping people to cope with and reduce their anxiety and the techniques I teach my clients, whatever the trigger for their condition, can also be applied successfully in this current pandemic. I’d encourage anyone who is feeling stressed or anxious, whether they are directly affected by Coronavirus or are just generally worried about it, to download my FREE anxiety release session and see if it helps.