Hypnotherapy for help with IVF and Infertility

Infertility is the inability to get pregnant or to sustain a pregnancy to full term.

Around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving. About 84% of couples will conceive naturally within a year if they have regular unprotected sex (every 2 or 3 days).

There are dozens of solid medical reasons why a couple may find conceiving a child or carrying a fetus to full term difficult. Often you are given the diagnosis of infertility without a true reason why. While a true diagnosis may make treatment easier for some, not knowing can also be good news, since it basically means that there is nothing really wrong with either partner.

The good news is that only 15% of all couples suffer from any type of infertility; with 1/3 being caused by the man and 1/3 by the woman and the last third having no known cause. This means the majority of couples are more than able to conceive given enough time and practice.

Hypnosis will enhance your chances of success.

Stress and anxiety can affect the reproductive performance

Stress and anxiety can affect the reproductive performance of both sexes, blocking hormones released by the brain connected to reproduction. And failure to conceive causes more stress and anxiety and creates a classic catch-22 situation.

The roller coaster ride of fertility treatment is emotionally and physically exhausting. It may have left you feeling depressed, angry, disappointed, discouraged, and in general emotionally, physically, and financially drained.

In the past, you may have felt anxious or perhaps even desperate to conceive and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. If so, and I’m sure you have heard this lots of times before, couples who try can be trying far too hard. So hard in fact that pregnancy never actually takes place.

And there are others of course who, after trying to conceive for years upon end, stop trying and either resign themselves to a childless life or decide to adopt. Then just a few months later their first little miracle has been conceived.

It is a little bit like trying hard to remember someone’s name whom you haven’t seen for a while. You wrack your brain, going over and over each possible scenario. The solution always seems to be on the tip of your tongue.

Until you relax and let those thoughts float out of your mind. Suddenly, in a flash, the answer that you were looking for just pops into your head.

In hypnosis, this is referred to as the Law of Reversed Effect.

How Hypnosis can help with IVF and Infertility

Hypnosis can you learn how to let go, reduce stress and help your body relax. No matter how much you have been through, it is not the end of the line, there is always hope. Hope of you holding your very own baby in your arms. Spontaneous pregnancies sometimes occur after failed IVF at times when least expected. This is probably because of reduced stress levels over the pressure of trying so hard for a baby.

By focussing on the connection between mind and body it will help you manage your stress and anxiety, promote calm and relaxation, restore hormonal balance and remove any self-limiting emotions about conception. Hypnosis will enhance your chances of success.

If you would like to know more about how hypnosis can help you, contact Katina on (01502) 587341 to arrange your free discovery call.

Hypnotherapy can also help with childbirth, read more about Hypnobirthing.

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