Mastering Mindfulness

Introducing Mindfulness X, a new 8-part program commencing September 2022.

Discover how to bring more mindfulness into your life. Mindfulness teaches you to focus your attention on what is happening in this moment, the now.

Although this sounds easy, it seems that we often just do not live in the moment, but rather focus our attention on our thoughts or the content of our thoughts.

This new 8-session program will help you benefit from:
▪ One deep dive into a specific element of mindfulness per session.
▪ Integrating information and practice with scientific evidence and insights.
▪ Detailed explanations covering the reasons for certain practices.
▪ Small practices that aim to increase the integration of mindfulness into daily life.
▪ Examining mindfulness in the broader context of life and how we perceive things.
▪ Understanding the foundation of processes that mindfulness rest upon.
▪ Weekly presentations.
▪ E-mails with inspirational quotes.

The program also includes professionally recorded MP3s to help you practice Mindfulness and a comprehensive workbook.

I’m excited to share this program with you and hope that it will provide useful insights and practices for a more mindful life!

Booking Information

When: The programme starts Monday 5th September from 7 pm to 9 pm in Lowestoft and Saturday 10th September from 10 am to 12 pm in Norwich

Where: Sessions will be held in The Crystal Cabin, 76 The Avenue, Lowestoft, NR33 7LN and Suite 14, (1st Floor), St Francis House, 141-147 Queen’s Road, Norwich, NR1 3PN

Investment: £222, I am offering a 25% discount for payments made by 25th August, which makes the cost £160 for the 8-session program (£20 per session). Please contact me if wish to pay by instalments. The programme includes a comprehensive workbook and professionally recorded MP3s.

To book: To reserve your place call Katina on 01502 587 341 or email.

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