Have you quit your New Year’s Resolutions?

Did you start the new year with good intentions? Did you find excuses along the way that stopped you from reaching your goal? Don’t worry, Hypnosis can help!

You are not alone! Surprisingly, 43% of people give up on their new year’s resolutions before February. It’s estimated one out of four people quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution, with most people quitting before the end of January.

Only 9% see their resolutions through until succession.

Sadly, how you handle your new year’s resolutions can have a big impact on how you look and feel in 2024 (Yes, I mean next year). This is because abandoning new year’s resolutions can affect the rest of your year.

If you still want to achieve your goals, then Hypnosis can help.

Hypnosis can change both your attitude and your ability to achieve your goals.

Many of the issues surrounding both problems are psychological. This means that hypnosis can be the answer. By re-programming your mental outlook towards the things you want to achieve.

You can lose weight, enjoy exercise, and remove obstacles in the way of reaching your goals and targets.
Change those feelings of overwhelm to enthusiasm, with Hypnosis. Hypnosis can re-train your brain to consider your goals as fun.

It uses visualisation, suggestion, and advanced hypnotherapy strategies to help you overcome the lack of motivation.

It will access your subconscious at that deep level where all of your reluctance to start resides.

Hypnosis will help you address your excuses one by one until you find yourself at a new place where your goals are enjoyable, rewarding, and pleasurable!

So, contact Katina now for your free discovery call on (01502) 587341 and make this year THE YEAR!

Check out my free goal-setting challenge here and discover how to quit quitting your New Year’s resolutions for good. Read more about Goal Setting.

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